Funeral in Iowa, GI never met his daughter
Casey Byers died June 11 when an IED went off under his Humvee. He never got to meet his daughter. 6 protesters related to Reverand Fred Phelps held signs that read such things as "God blew up the...
View ArticleYoung officers line up to leave the military.
Young officers are tired of being lied to and are leaving their military careers, creating a void in the ranks of future colonels and generals. "The mistake the Army made then is the same mistake it is...
View ArticleBack in Baghdad one day, and the airport road worst I've ever seen it.
Chris Allbritton writes on his Back to Iraq blog that US Soldiers killed 2 Iraqi journalists, then a member of the Parliament was killed in a car bomb attack. "I'm not sure who's winning this war, the...
View ArticleJune One of the Deadliest Months for Troops
"At least 68 U.S. soldiers, Marines and sailors were killed by hostile fire in Iraq, the fifth highest number since the war began, according to Iraq Coalition Casualty Count, a Web site that compiles...
View ArticleSo Much for Supporting the Troops,13319,74425,00.html"Untold numbers of servicemembers residing off base will see their next paycheck shrink by as much as $250 -- and many of them may not even know...
View ArticleVanity Fair on Sibel Edmonds New article in Vanity Fair alleges former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds came across evidence of Turkish espionage and payola that may have...
View ArticleIraq Vet: We Feared Recruits Would Turn on Us A soldier returns after a year in Iraq speaks about how the insurgency he saw the Iraqi people fighting what they saw as an occupation of their country. During...
View ArticleIraq Army May Never be Ready to Take Over
New York Times The U.S. plan to withdraw large numbers of the 135,000 American combat troops next year will hinge on a functioning ministry, these commanders said. If American troops leave without one...
View ArticleSibel Edmonds, Beyond Vanity Fair Allegations
The September issue of Vanity Fair revisits the story of Sibel Edmonds, a former FBI translator who was fired after brining up possible espionage and cover up of criminal activity within the FBI. Her...
View ArticleSelf Employed Guardsmen Face Hard Times
So Much for Taking Care of the Troops PF The Boston Globe illustrates the high cost of deployments to...
View ArticleBush's War on Science
The Bush Administration has declared war on science. Whether it is teaching the mysticism labeled "Intelligent Design" in science classes or rewriting environmental reports and scientific reports, the...
View ArticleCanadian Detained by US & Shipped to Syria Gets Day in Court rticle&cid=1123626307512&call_pageid=968332188492&DPL=IvsNDS%2f7ChAX&tacodalogin=yes...
View ArticleWe Screwed up in Afghanistan & Iraq, Want to Go For Iran?
We didn't even get it right in Afghanistan. No Bin Laden, an endangered and toothless government, a resurgence of the Taliban, a revitalized opium trade, increasing child mortality, more US troops in...
View ArticleThe Partisan Looking Glass Via Yahoo from the Huffington Post gives a very telling view of what people were saying about Bill...
View ArticleUS Failed to Secure Iraq's Weapons Scientists
If there is any lingering doubt about the Bush administration's incompetence in making us safer from WMDs, this report should quickly dispel them. It explores the failure to secure Iraqi scientists who...
View ArticleRecruiters Follow Prey, Err, Prospects to College Despite, (on NPR this morning), Jonah Goldberg's "great ignored news" that military retention is very high, the Army is 16K short of...
View ArticleNo One Anticipated the Levees would Fail
Listening to NPR this morning, Rcktredglare's jaw hit the floor when Fearless Leader Bush made a statement to the effect that no one anticipated that the levees protecting New Orleans would fail. WTF?...
View ArticleBush: "Good News about Katrina"
From remarks this morning:"The good news is -- and it's hard for some to see it now -- that out of this chaos is going to come a fantastic Gulf Coast, like it was before. Out of the rubbles of Trent...
View ArticleBush: What didn't go right?
Rep. Nancy Pelosi D-California relates that she demanded Bush fire FEMA Chief Michael Brown. "He said 'Why would I do that?'" Pelosi said. "'I said because of all that went wrong, of all that didn't go...
View ArticleHired Buses Confiscated by Military
If this is true, it needs to be aired. I Googled for EMS and there was an EMS conference in town right before Katrina struck. From the Paramedics attending a conference in NO report they...
View ArticleNATO Leaves Fighting to US in Afghanistan
International Herald Tribune"BERLIN France, Germany and Spain on Wednesday rejected a U.S. call for NATO to help American-led forces fight the insurgency in Afghanistan, insisting instead that the...
View ArticleArmy Can Recruit Those Without GED's"Army recruiters now have a wider pool to find future soldiers in. The Army is reaching out to a slice of America's youth long ineligible to...
View ArticleBush: Iraq Pullout = Mistakes Leading to 9-11 ex=1127448000&partner=homepage&pagewanted=print New York Times "WASHINGTON, Sept. 22 -...
View ArticleFlora Bush, the Third Bush Twin is a Liberal Punk Rocker Thanks to Fafblog, unknown presidential daughter Flora Bush has her debut album, "The Child Left Behind". Hear great songs such as, "Get Out of Iraq (and my Room)"...
View ArticleIraq Contractors Profit on the Sweat of Asian Poor If you are a contractor looking to get in on the reconstruction of Iraq, you are going to have to pay "$80,000 a year and often topping $100,000-- that...
View Article20,000 Troops in Afghanistan
The BBC reported on Bush's surprise visit to Afghanistan where he praised the new democracy. Note that it states that "The US has about 20,000 troops hunting al-Qaeda and Taleban fighters in...
View Articleclose to victory abroad, closer to concession at home.
Victor Davis Hanson obviously smokes the good stuff at NRO. Link: Hanson takes conservative pundits such as George Will, Francis Fukuyama, and William F. Buckley to...
View ArticleOsama Bush Laden
Osama Bush Laden took out his checklist. His numbers were looking worse and worse every day, but soon, it wouldn't make any difference. Checklist: 1. Bring US economy to its knees by burying people in...
View ArticleWhy Didn't They Capture Al Zarqawi?
No tears for the demise of Al Zarqawi, but I have to wonder why US and Iraqi forces didn't try to capture him? If he is such a central figure in the insurgency, he would have infomation on hideouts,...
View ArticleGreg Palast: Bush Blocked Terror Funding Probe
Greg Palast points out that the outrage over the New York Times article on tracking money trails is a lot of baloney compared to some of the things the Bush administration has done that have harmed our...
View ArticleWas Abu Zubaydah an Al Qaeda Leader or Gopher?
Abu Zubaydah was wounded and rounded up in Afghanistan. He was cited as a high official in Al Qaeda and in Gerald Posner's book "Why America Slept", gave evidence of connections between the terrorist...
View ArticleAWOL Again
I was just listening to NPR and heard that the President had been appraised of the plot against the airways and was monitoring the situation from his ranch in Crawford. Since the British deemed the...
View ArticleBeing President is Hard Work
MSNBC: "President Bush is back in Washington today with a just-added 10:00 am press conference on his schedule. He also has an interesting itinerary of campaign-trail events tomorrow and Wednesday...
View ArticleIranian Exiles: Iran has Secret Nuclear Enrichment Sites
"According to the information obtained by the Iranian Resistance at least 15 P2 centrifuges have been assembled so far and are being tested", Mohammad Mohaddessin, the chairman of the Foreign Affairs...
View ArticleYou're Less Likely to Die in Iraq than at Home in the US
Glenn Reynolds seems to be saying things really aren't so bad as far as US military deaths go in Iraq. [HOW LIKELY ARE YOU TO DIE WHILE SERVING IN IRAQ? About half as likely as Americans back home,...
View ArticleSiegel: Genius is Pain
I know this has been commented on and this I risk a penalty for piling on at this point. But since he is exposed and need not hide behind a fictitious nom de plume anymore, I expect that we will be...
View ArticleAllowing Nuclear Proliferation, Nuclear Cities Initiative Shuttered
NPR reports the US and Russia are allowing the Nuclear Cities Initiative to expire. This is a program designed to secure Russian nuclear weapons and help nuclear scientists transition to other jobs....
View ArticleI am Saying George Bush is Unpatiotic
One part of the President's stump speech that you keep hearing over and over these days is how he does not consider opponents of the war to be "unpatiotic", but that they are wrong. Of course, all the...
View ArticleEveryone is packing
After the tragic events at Virginia Tech, there seems to be a right wing notion that a good way to suppress violence or crime is to allow or force a population, (city, college, community) to arm...
View ArticleBelichick Defends Against Spying Allegations
The NFL is investigating allegations that a New England Patriots employee was caught with a video camera in an apparent attempt to steal signals from the New York Jets sidelines on Sunday
View ArticleThe Real Story Behind the White House Fire
A fire in the Vice Presidential Ceremonial office was reported to be under control. While initial reports attributed the blaze to electrical or communications equipment, unnamed insiders told a...
View ArticleMcCain Gets Boxers or Briefs Question
Senator John McCain, adjusting to his role as GOP Presidential frontrunner, began making an effort to court younger voters and to deal with questions about his age. The 71 year old Senator made several...
View ArticleCheney Offers Obama VP Advice
Vice President Dick Cheney extended his congratulations to Democratic Presidential candidate to be, Senator Barrack Obama. He also extended an offer to help in the selection of a vice presidential...
View ArticleHealth Reform True Lies
GOP health care reform facts.In light of yesterdays reports that Democrats will abandon bipartisanship and craft a health care reform bill on their own, be warned that you will see the following:Health...
View ArticleProp 8 Ruling Hits Man's Marriage
Judge Vaughn Walker’s ruling that California’s Proposition 8 gay marriage ban was unconstitutional began to wreak havoc on the state’s heterosexual marriages. One of the first victims, Dudley (Dud)...
View ArticleGinny Thomas Comes Clean
After a former girlfriend of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas came forth with allegations that supported Anita Hill's stories of sexual harassment, Thomas's wife, Ginny, admitted that the message...
View ArticleSecret Service Codename Contest
It is well known that Presidents, Vice Presidents, and their families are given codenames by the Secret Service. Ronald Reagan was Rawhide, Jimmy Carter was Deacon, Karenna Gore, daughter of VP Al Gore...
View ArticleYou Should Know About Sepsis
I survived a bout of sepsis and septic shock; a condition when the body's immune system goes haywire responding to an infection or injury, and for unknown reasons, turns on the body. Sepsis could...
View ArticleLeave Brettney ALLLLLOOONE!
How f&^%ng dare anyone out there make fun of Brettney after all he has been through.! He went to an exclusive prep school, He was a BMOC. He was a virgin for years. He never drank. He’s A HUMAN!...
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